Frequently Asked Questions About Liposuction

Liposuction Surgery Cost in Jaipur

Your journey to becoming beautiful and getting your desired body starts with liposuction. Liposuction restores your self-esteem, enhances your beauty, and paves the road to a more confident and presentable version of you. There are many aspects of this surgery, including targeting the concerned area and the technique for drawing out the stubborn fat. The points mentioned earlier pitch in for the overall budget or average liposuction surgery cost in Jaipur of the surgery. This guest post will discuss every aspect of liposuction surgery along with factors contributing to its budget. 

What is Liposuction?

The word liposuction is combination of two words “lipo” and “suction”. The word “lipo” itself means fat and the word “suction” signifies to draw out / extract out/ to remove. Thus, liposuction can be described as a cosmetic surgical procedure in which excessive fat is drawn out. The procedure is accomplished by inserting a tube-like cannula inside the targeted area. The cannula breaks down deposited fat and sucks them out. 

What are the different types of Liposuction? 

The various types of liposuction are mentioned below:

  • Suction-assisted Liposuction: Suction-assisted liposuction is most commonly referred to as liposuction. During the surgery, a vacuum is use to draw out the targeted fat molecules.
  • Water jet-assisted Liposuction: Body jet liposuction or water jet-assisted liposuction uses a wetting technique. This procedure involves throwing water with high pressure in order to remove the fat. This dislodges the deposited fat, followed by extraction. 
  • Power-assisted Liposuction: In this procedure, a power-driven vibrating cannula is inserted at the targeted site. The vibrating cannula breaks down the fat before extracting it. 
  • VASER-assisted Liposuction: The expanded form of VASER is the Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. The procedure involves ultrasound-assisted liposuction that minimizes invasive liquifying fat for extracting it. 
  • Laser-assisted Liposuction: As the name suggests, the procedure uses lasers to target and break down the fat cells, followed by extracting them. 

What is the average cost of Liposuction based on the targeted area?

The exact cost/budget for liposuction rests upon the type, the fat volume, and the technique used for extracting fat along the targeted area. In addition to that, some of the commonly targeted areas that might be involved in the variation of the budget for liposuction are mentioned below: 

  • Abdomen 
  • Hips 
  • Waist 
  • Thighs
  • Stomach 
  • Buttock
  • Upper arm 
  • Knee / inner knee
  • Calves
  • chin / lower face/ neck

What are the factors affecting the cost of Liposuction?

The overall expense for liposuction changes based on several points. Some of these points are mention further below:

  • Surgeon’s fee/ consultation charge
  • Type of technique being use for liposuction 
  • The volume of fat that needs to be extract 
  • Location of clinic / Geographic location 
  • Experience of surgeon 
  • Type of treatment 
  • Compression garments 
  • Pre and post-surgery medication 
  • Type of sedation 
  • Targeted Area 

Are You an Ideal Candidate for Liposuction?

If you are considering undergoing liposuction surgery, then it is important to consider these below-mentioned factors: An ideal candidate for liposuction surgery should:

  • Have stable weight 
  • Have optimum height 
  • Good overall health 
  • No underlying medical condition that might aid in a negative outcome of the surgery. For instance, high blood pressure, diabetes, or asthma. 
  • Not be smoking 
  • Not consuming alcohol 
  • Not smoking 
  • Have realistic goals 
  • Have good skin elasticity. 
  • Not have a medical history of conditions like seizures, cardiac arrhythmia immunodeficiency disorders, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embo or excessive bleeding, 

What are the benefits associated with Liposuction?

Liposuction is a boon for people who are struggling to get in shape or individuals who are tired of strenuous exercise and diet and still cannot get in shape. However, the benefit of undergoing liposuction surgery does not end with getting in shape; it also unlocks the door to many possibilities: Some of these associated benefits are mentioned below: 

  • Contoured body 
  • Improved body shape 
  • Reduced health risk 
  • Minimum downtime/recovery time 
  • Minimal scarring 
  • Boost confidence/ Improvised self-esteem 
  • Augmented mobility 

What are the risks associated with Liposuction?

Every surgery calls for potential risks and side effects. Some risks can be heightened due to incorrect or unskilled choices of surgeons. Besides, there are a few obvious risks and side effects. These effects subside within a few days or weeks. Some of the associated risks are further pointed out below:

  • Bruising: It is mainly caused by to incision made for inserting the cannula. It is completely normal and often starts to get better within a few days.
  • Mild Pain: You will experience pain caused due to bruising and incision. The pain experienced post-operation is mild and your doctor will surely prescribe you pain medicines to help soothe it. 
  • Swelling: Swelling is caused when your body starts to drape the new contour. This side effect is completely normal and goes away within a few days. 
  • Scarring: You might have minimum scar caused by to incision. The scars tend to fade away over time. 
  • Unsatisfactory Outcome: Choosing an unskilled or inexperienced surgeon increases your chances of undesired or unsatisfactory results. Thus, it is emphasize to choose only experienced and renowned surgeons. 

Consult with the Best Cosmetic Surgeon in India at AK Aesthetics!

Those considering liposuction surgery can visit AK Aesthetics to consult Dr. Akanghsa Sharma, the best cosmetic surgeon in India, renowned for ethical and patient-oriented goals. The doctor offers affordable liposuction services with effective and desired results. The diverse range of services provided at AK Aesthetics includes suction-assisted liposuction, water jet-assisted liposuction, power-assisted liposuction, VASER-assisted liposuction, and laser-assisted liposuction. Surgical procedures executed by Dr. Akanghsa Sharma guarantee a high success rate. If you are considering liposuction, then wait no more! Get in touch with expert Dr. Akanghsa Sharma at AK Aesthetics!