Few safe and tried tips for teeth whitening

Teeth whitening

There are lots of causes for which the teeth may appear yellow. If your teeth are turning yellowish or discoloured, there is not much to be concerned about. There are many ways to pause the process of discolouring the teeth. Moreover, they are tried-and-tested means to reverse the process of discolouring teeth. In other words, it is possible to get the whiteness of your teeth back, provided you follow the actual procedures. These procedures include avoiding certain foods and drinks and occasionally brushing the teeth with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.

Tooth whitening kits are readily available at drugstores. Many natural therapies remove stains from the teeth’s surface without damaging the enamel.

Tried and tested tips to whiten the teeth naturally

The strategies discussed here prove helpful in whitening discoloured teeth.

  • Make changes to your daily diet.

Further staining of the teeth can be paused by avoiding foods and drinks that mark the teeth. Foods and drinks that contain tannins are known to stain the teeth. The most popular drinks, like tea and red wine, have a high concentration of the substance. These two drinks are two major culprits for staining the teeth. According to a dentist who provides teeth whitening in London, avoid coffee, fruit juices, and dark soda in moderation. These items also stain the teeth quite easily.

Acidic foods, on the other hand, can easily wear down the enamel structure of the teeth. This makes the teeth appear yellowish. If you are concerned about the colour of your teeth or want your teeth to appear pristine white, then it is better to stay away from excessive consumption of citrus fruits, soda, and coffee. To be on the safe side, you should even brush your teeth without using toothpaste after having this kind of food or drink.

Insider Tips on Avoiding Dental Emergencies

You should not brush your teeth right after eating anything. Dentists mostly recommend waiting at least 30 minutes after eating or drinking anything before you brush your teeth. This is a good practice to care for your oral health. If you brush the teeth immediately, the acids are still there on the teeth. The acids can wear down the enamel of the teeth easily. To prevent damage to the enamel of the teeth, you should wait some time after having any citrus fruit, soda, or coffee, and then brush the teeth.

When you completely stop smoking or any other means of tobacco consumption, there is no risk of nicotine stains on your teeth. Nicotine is harmful to your overall health and well-being, and it is particularly harmful to your dental health, warns a teeth-whitening professional in London. Nicotine present in tobacco damages the enamel structure of the teeth as well as facilitates gum disease and tooth decay.

Oil-pulling therapy for the teeth

Oil pulling is a generalised term that means washing the mouth with oil to get rid of harmful bacteria buildups, germs, debris, and other unwanted and harmful agents. Oil pulling has been practised in the Oriental world for ages. It is important to note that oil pulling can never be a substitute for regular brushing and flossing of the teeth. However, research shows certain oils contribute to the whitening of the teeth. Oils that are suitable for use in this therapy are sesame oil, coconut oil, and sunflower oil. The procedure is rather simple. Take a little oil in the mouth and swish it around for about 20 minutes. Then spit it out.

Brushing the teeth with baking soda

Baking soda effectively polishes away stains from the teeth’ surface. Some people think the substance is too harsh and may wear down the enamel coating of the tooth. However, research says it is safe to apply to the teeth. The item does not harm the enamel structure and removes stains from the teeth’s surface without leaving any adverse side effects. Baking soda may also be capable of fighting germs and harmful bacteria in the mouth. Thus, it can be used to reduce plaque buildup and prevent tooth decay, says a dentist with wide experience in teeth whitening treatment in London.

Application of hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide possesses mild bleaching properties. You can use it to whiten stained or discoloured teeth. To get optimal whitening results, you can brush the teeth with a mixture of peroxide and baking soda. If you use this special mixture, then make sure not to brush over the teeth for more than a couple of minutes each time. Brush the teeth with the mixture twice a day and continue for a week. It is important to note that you should perform this special brushing occasionally. Hydrogen peroxide, when you look at the other end of the spectrum, causes tooth sensitivity. You must use it with caution. It is certainly not suitable for you if your teeth are sensitive.

Whitening the teeth with fruits

Papaya contains an enzyme named papain, whereas pineapple contains bromelain. Both of these enzymes help whiten the teeth. How do we ascertain that? A study carried out in 2020 showed teeth-whitening gels that contain these two fruit enzymes yield better results in whitening teeth. But more research into the matter is certainly required, and that is a matter of time. It is not a great idea to rub the pieces of fruit directly into the teeth. The acid present in the fruits may harm the colour of the teeth, warns a dentist who has provided teeth-whitening services in London over the years.

Chewing foods that are rich in fibre

Certain food items are rich in fibre content. These include certain vegetables and legumes. Chewing this type of food item proves effective in neutralising the acid in the mouth. As a result, the natural enamel structure of the teeth is also protected. When you chew on leafy green vegetables that are rich in fibre, your mouth produces more saliva. To clean the mouth of the acid.

Reasons why teeth turn yellow

There are mainly two reasons why the teeth turn yellow. The reasons are:

  • Thinning of the natural enamel structure and
  • Accumulation of stains on the tooth surface

According to dentists at Thousand Smiles, some people have thinner enamel structures, whereas for others, ageing, gum disease, and excessive consumption of acidic foods wear down the enamel structure of the teeth.

Habitual smoking, excessive consumption of tea, red wine, and coffee, and certain medications are known to stain the teeth, making them appear yellowish.