Tips / Tricks to Push Conqueror Rank in BGMI

Tips & Tricks to Push Conqueror Rank in BGMI

Reaching the Conqueror rank in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) is a dream for many players. The BGMI ranking system has six tiers, from bronze to conqueror. It is the highest tier in the game and represents the top 500 players on any server. Pushing for the Conqueror rank requires dedication, skill, and a good strategy. 

Moreover, BGMI offers free BGMI scrims, where players often practice their rotations and positioning. Participating in these scrims can help you improve your rotation tactics and gain an edge in ranked matches.

In this article, we’ll discuss some tips and tricks that can help you reach this elite rank. So you read this article for more info.

1. Choose the Right Landing Spot

The first step to a successful game starts with where you land. While hot drops like Pochinki or Georgopol might be engaging for players looking for early kills, they can be very risky if you are aiming to reach Conqueror. Try to land in less populated areas it can give you time to loot and gear up before engaging with enemies. Some places like Mylta, Lipovka, or Prison are good spots to find decent loot with fewer enemies around.

By choosing a safer landing spot, you can survive longer in the game, which is crucial when pushing for rank. Your survival time plays a big role in determining how many points you earn at the end of each match.

2. Focus on Survival, Not Kills

While getting kills is fun, survival is much more important when you are pushing for Conqueror. The points you gain from surviving until the top 10 or higher are much more than what you earn from kills. So, your main focus should be staying alive, especially when you get into the final circles of the game.

To survive longer, avoid unnecessary fights, and always keep an eye on the safe zone. Try to move with the zone and position yourself in places with good cover, like ridges, buildings, or trees. Using vehicles to rotate safely from one area to another can also help you avoid combat with other players.

3. Play With a Fixed Squad

Playing with a consistent and fixed squad can significantly increase your chances of ranking up. When you play with the same team, you develop better coordination and understanding, which helps in tough situations. Communication becomes easier, and you can trust your teammates to watch your back.

In the event that you do not have a regular squad, you can use in-game platforms or join BGMI communities to locate other players who are also striving to achieve higher levels. It is possible that there will be a lack of coordination or teamwork when playing with random players, which can be a perilous situation.

4. Master Gunplay and Recoil Control

To reach Conqueror, you need to have good shooting skills. Mastering the different weapons and learning how to control recoil is important. Weapons like the M416, AKM, and DP-28 are popular choices for mid to long-range combat. Try to practice with these guns regularly to improve your accuracy.

Using attachments like compensators, vertical foregrips, and extended magazines can help you control the recoil better and make your gun more stable. Don’t forget to practice your aim in the training ground or in matches where the stakes aren’t as high.

5. Maintain a Positive Mindset

Pushing for the Conqueror rank can be stressful and frustrating, especially when you lose points after a bad game. It’s important to stay calm and maintain a positive mindset. Take breaks when necessary and don’t get too discouraged by a few losses.

Moreover, to truly refine your skills, playing in BGMI custom rooms can be a game-changer. You are able to practice specific scenarios, such as zone control, rotations, or close-quarters fights, in a controlled environment by using custom rooms. You have the ability to create or join custom matches, which allow you to test out different strategies or compete against competent opponents without having to worry about their rank points being deducted.

Always keep in mind that achieving Conqueror requires patience and time. In order to accomplish this objective, it is essential to gain knowledge from your errors and to improve your gaming. By watching the streams or gameplay of the best players, you can gain an understanding of how they deal with challenging situations.


Pushing for Conqueror rank in BGMI requires a mix of strategy, skill, and dedication. By choosing the right landing spots, focusing on survival, and improving your gunplay and rotations, you can climb the ranks more efficiently.